Friday, September 14, 2007

Can we talk????

Hello Everyone:

In case you were wondering, WTF was going on???? well, let me just say that this darn thing we call real life, sometimes interferes with our plans and we have to make decisions that are in our and only our best interest. This is particularly true when family matters require our undivided attention.

This new blog is in no way a replacement to our beloved Medicine Chest. There will only be ONE Medicine Chest. Percocet did an outstanding job with it and each one of you who contributed with your daily comments, made it even more interesting. Many of us didn't want to end such a great run so I compromised to continue the fun. This is a great outlet not only to express opinions and expose the truth and it deserves to continue providing the service.

As many of you, I also run a full life outside the internet and may not always be able to blog frequently and that's the reason I'm counting on you (especially YOU Calliyuk) to assist with the blog. I'm willing to continue providing the outlet, but I'm also counting on your assistance, not only with writing blogs, but participating. Either or, will be great!

Please also bear in mind that there's a lot of work I need to do in setting up the blog so, please be patient. If you need to email me with suggestions please do so at I will also liked to ask for suggestions concerning a new blog name. Any new ideas? Please let me know.
Thanks and have fun.

BTW, Faiken blogged??? Anything worth talking about???? Please talk amongst yourselves...